El sector financiero continúa liderando la adopción de IA, impulsado por décadas de uso de aprendizaje automático y un creciente interés en IA generativa. Con una inversión masiva de 35 mil millones de dólares en IA solo en 2023, la industria se está preparando para una innovación aún mayor, con la banca liderando el camino.
Fraudsters are employing ever more sophisticated methods, resulting in a variety of approaches they can use to seize control of accounts. The selection of account takeover schemes by these attackers hinges on their objectives and the resources at their disposal.
"The Tinder Swindler" on Netflix reveals the severe impact of identity fraud. This guide covers the essentials of identity fraud, warning signs, and effective prevention strategies for consumers and businesses. Discover how advanced Identity Verification (IDV) solutions can help maintain security and trust.
Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) is growing rapidly due to customer demand, but online fraudsters pose a significant threat to today's providers. Discover why identity verification can ensure a swift, seamless, and secure process for businesses and customers.
Fraud detection tools & techniques can help businesses carry out the identification and verification process seamlessly. This means that these tools can detect fraud before a criminal actor is able to access any money or sensitive information, prevent the risk of financial, reputational, or legal consequences.
From a cool-headed business perspective, you may think some level of fraud is acceptable in the quest for growth and conversions. But failing to prioritize your honest customers – and your reputation – is ultimately likely to be highly damaging to your business.
Online crime is growing - fast. We look at what are the growing trends around the world, pushing technology to keep evolving and fighting the good fight.
En la era digital de hoy, la conveniencia a menudo tiene un costo en la privacidad. A medida que la tecnología avanza, también lo hacen los riesgos de una vigilancia sin precedentes y la explotación de datos. Reconociendo esta amenaza, países de todo el mundo están promulgando leyes de protección de datos y privacidad integrales para salvaguardar los datos de los consumidores.
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Verificación de identidad y documentos
Comprobante de domicilio
Verificación de bases gubernamentales
Validación de edad
Autenticación biométrica
PLD - Listas de Prevención de Lavado de Dinero
Estimación de edad
Fraud Protect
Fraud Intelligence
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