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Why fighting fraud is a family business

A quick-fire interview with brothers, Arj and Shyam, looking at their time working at Veriff, their connection to its mission, and how "work becoming your family" rings true for them.

Three men taking a photo
Lottie Owen Jones
Head of Social Media
July 17, 2024

Arj, could you tell us a bit about yourself and how you ended up at Veriff? 

Arj: Yeah, sure! I'm Arjun, but everyone calls me Arj. I joined Veriff in 2021, starting out on the Rev Ops team. My journey here began when I was looking for a new role and heard about an exciting opportunity from Abe, an old colleague (now current colleague at Veriff!). This seemed like the perfect fit, especially after meeting Kaarel (Veriff’s Founder and CEO), whose infectious energy hooked me instantly. So, here I am, knee-deep in Salesforce and other GTM systems, learning along the way!

Shyam, could you share your story and what drew you to join Veriff? 

Shyam: I joined Veriff in June 2022 as a strategic customer success manager. Funny thing is, this is our third time working at the same company together. Arj always seems to find these gems, and I follow suit! Veriff was at the top of my list because of the fantastic things Arj told me, and meeting the team sealed the deal for me.

Do you collaborate a lot at work? 

Arj: We talk every day, naturally. But work-wise, we team up maybe once or twice a week. It's usually on thorny quotes or smoothing out system issues. Shyam’s closer to the customer side, so he brings that perspective, and I handle the backend to make things run smoothly.

What's it like working together as brothers? 

Shyam: It's super collaborative. We're family outside of work, and that dynamic spills over into our professional lives. Having that level of trust and understanding makes tackling challenges easier.
Arj: Exactly! We bounce ideas off each other and provide feedback that's grounded in both personal and professional understanding. Plus, it's fun working within the same division but in different capacities.

How do your roles contribute to Veriff’s broader mission? 

Shyam: My role directly impacts our customers and their end-users by ensuring a safe onboarding process. Building trust and safety online is crucial.
Arj: For me, it's all about efficiency. Improving processes internally to make it easier for our teams to deliver and our customers to engage with us seamlessly.

Is it challenging to balance work and personal life when you're both at the same company?

Shyam: We're notorious for discussing Veriff at family gatherings. Sometimes, my wife has to remind us to switch off. But overall, it's a balance we've managed well.
Arj: Absolutely. We're best friends, so naturally, our conversations drift towards work, but we also have plenty of common interests outside the office.

Any anecdotes you can share from working together?

Arj: We once swapped name tags at a company meetup. Shyam ended up being mistaken for me the whole night! It was hilarious seeing him handle questions meant for me. 

Shyam: People have even mistaken us for the same person at previous jobs. It's always a toss-up who they think is older between us!

What excites you about the future, both at Veriff and in the industry as a whole?

Arj: I see a big trend towards orchestration platforms and integrating disparate systems, which is where Veriff is heading too. 

Shyam: Definitely the advancements in AI to combat fraud. Veriff’s proactive stance on these issues makes me confident about the future.

Any final words for those interested in joining Veriff?

Shyam: If you're passionate about fighting fraud and want to make a global impact, Veriff is the place to be. Plus, you might end up working with family!

Arj: And if you're into Rev Ops, there's an exciting opportunity here too! Veriff is growing, and we're looking for talented folks to join us.

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