LibraryIdentity Verification centerIdentity Verification NewsAdvantages of biometric authentication: Leveraging biometric technology to prevent account takeovers

Advantages of biometric authentication: Leveraging biometric technology to prevent account takeovers

In today’s digital world, robust security measures are essential against sophisticated cyber threats. Biometric authentication offers unmatched security and convenience by using unique biological traits to verify identities. With rising account takeover fraud risks, adopting biometric technology is crucial for safeguarding user data and enhancing customer trust.

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Geo Jolly
Lead Product Manager
June 19, 2024
Identity verification
Biometric Authentication
On this page
What are biometrics?
How do biometrics work in authentication?
What are the different types of biometric authentication?
What are the advantages of using biometrics for authentication?
Delving deeper into Veriff’s Biometric Authentication solution
How Biometric Authentication works
Case study : Viida is life – transforming online dating with safety and trust

According to a recent study from Liminal, the average fraud loss associated with a successful Account Takeover (ATO) attack is $6,232. Account takeover fraud attacks can cause irreparable damage to a business. As well as costing huge sums in chargebacks, ATO attacks can also damage the relationship between a business and its customers. Plus, these attacks can put great strain on IT departments and customer service teams. 

In the digital era, where cyber threats are growing increasingly sophisticated, ensuring robust security measures, such as biometric authentication, is now of vital importance.

What are biometrics?

According to the Biometrics Institute, biometrics refers to the “automated recognition of individuals based on their biological and behavioral characteristics.”

How does biometric authentication work?

The use of biometrics to authenticate individuals has grown in popularity. Biometric authentication uses unique biological characteristics to verify an individual's identity. It involves capturing a biometric sample—such as a fingerprint or facial scan—and comparing it against a stored template to grant or deny access to systems, devices, or data.

What are the different types of biometric authentication?

Physiological Biometrics:

  • Fingerprints: Unique patterns found on fingertips.
  • Facial Structure: Analysis of facial features and contours.
  • Iris: Unique patterns in the colored ring of the eye.
  • Retina: Patterns of veins in the retina.
  • DNA: Genetic makeup unique to an individual.

Behavioral Biometrics:

  • Voice: Distinctive patterns in a person's voice.
  • Keystroke: Typing rhythm and patterns.
  • Signature: Unique way an individual signs their name.
  • Gait: Manner and pattern of walking.

What are the advantages of using biometrics for authentication?

Biometric authentication delivers a convenient and secure way to validate and prevent unauthorized account access.

Biometric authentication provides a high degree of security by leveraging unique, non-replicable personal traits. It eliminates the need for passwords, reduces the risk of identity fraud, and enhances user convenience – while ensuring robust protection against unauthorized access.

Here's how the biometric approach to authentication serves as a formidable deterrent against impersonation threats:

1. Unique biological traits:

  • Biometric authentication relies on individuals’ unique biological characteristics, such as fingerprints, facial features, and voice patterns, for user verification.
  • These inherent traits are virtually harder to replicate, making it exceedingly difficult for malicious actors to bypass biometric authentication measures through traditional means such as password cracking, credential stuffing, or social engineering.

2. Enhanced authentication accuracy:

  • Biometric systems provide a high level of accuracy in verifying users’ identities, minimizing the risk of false positives and ensuring that only authorized individuals gain access to systems or accounts.
  • By leveraging physiological and behavioral identifiers, biometric authentication offers a multi-layered approach to user verification, further bolstering security protocols.

3. Reduced reliance on vulnerable passwords:

  • Unlike traditional authentication methods that often rely on passwords or PINs, which can be easily compromised through phishing attacks or malware, biometric authentication eliminates the need for vulnerable credentials.
  • By reducing dependence on static passwords, biometric solutions mitigate the risk of credential theft and unauthorized access, thereby fortifying defense mechanisms against ATO.

4. Real-time fraud detection:

  • Behavioral and physiological biometrics, such as typing patterns or voice characteristics, enable continuous authentication and real-time fraud detection during user interactions.
  • By monitoring subtle behavioral cues, biometric systems can detect anomalies or suspicious activities, triggering suspicious activity and preventing fraudulent account access.

5. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) integration:

  • Biometric authentication can seamlessly integrate with or strengthen other factors such as passwords or tokens to create a robust multi-factor authentication framework.
  • The combination of biometrics with additional authentication layers enhances security resilience, requiring multiple proofs of identity to effectively thwart unauthorized access attempts.

In conclusion, the adoption of biometric authentication plays a pivotal role in fortifying defenses, including reducing unauthorized account access, and thwarting account takeovers. By harnessing the inherent uniqueness of individuals’ biological traits and behavior patterns, organizations can establish a formidable security posture that safeguards critical data assets and bolsters user trust in an increasingly digital landscape.

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Delving deeper into Veriff’s Biometric Authentication solution

At Veriff, we understand that organizations need to securely authenticate users without disrupting the users’ experience. This applies across the entire user journey, particularly at critical steps, such as account access, undertaking a high-risk activity, and recovering an account.

Veriff’s Biometric Authentication solution is a fully automated solution that examines a user’s submitted selfie with AI-powered algorithms and facial biometric analysis – analyzing it against a previously verified biometric template to check if it is the same person – to instantly and securely authenticate previously verified users and make the moments that matter to your customers as seamless and stress-free as possible. 

Biometric facial authentication mitigates the risk of fraudsters taking over accounts, committing suspicious activities through continuous authentication, and securing high-risk activities such as transferring a high-value amount or adding a new payee. The user simply takes a selfie, making it more convenient and secure than knowledge-based authentication methods such as passwords, PINs, and shared secrets.

Primary benefits

  • Streamlined user experience 
    A response time of less than a second enables your previously verified users to quickly and easily authenticate themselves by taking a simple selfie rather than having the burden of remembering and managing complex passwords. 
  • User-centered authentication 
    Users are not required to perform unnecessary actions or provide additional information, because Veriff uses multiple data points from a single user interaction and historical interactions to make more accurate, context-based decisions. Users do not need to leave the journey to receive a one-time passcode or use an authentication app.
  • Secure authentication
    Our biometric authentication solution comes with built-in liveness detection and anti-spoofing capabilities to mitigate unauthorized access or account takeover. Enable secure account recovery or step-up authentication for high-risk activities so that users are required to take a selfie to confirm they are genuine users.
  • Seamless identity assurance 
    Combine our biometric authentication with our identity verification solution to provide extra protection. This can be done by creating a biometric template verified with the user’s identity document. 

How Biometric Authentication works

Veriff’s biometric authentication confirms that a returning user is who they claim to be. Users can authenticate on any device and platform of their choice, as Veriff supports iOS, Android, mobile web, and web SDK or API. Once the user’s selfie has been enrolled, either from an identity verification session or by taking a biometric enrolment selfie, the user can use their face to authenticate themselves.

  • User selfie
    The user simply takes a quick selfie, replacing cumbersome, outdated, and less secure authentication methods such as passwords, shared secrets, or one-time passcodes selfie.
  • Biometric analysis
    Conducts real-time analysis of the user's selfie, including image quality and fraud checks, liveness detection, and face matching – so that you can approve genuine users with confidence.
  • Get a decision
    Provides a clear and actionable decision in just one second, empowering you to make an informed final decision – whether to allow, deny, or request additional verification.

Case study: viida is life – transforming online dating with safety and trust

In the world of online dating, biometric authentication plays a crucial role in mitigating the risks of identity fraud and catfishing. That’s because the unique challenges and vulnerabilities inherent in online dating environments – where individuals engage with strangers – create an environment ripe for potential harm.

Catfishing, where individuals create fake profiles to deceive others, is a particularly prevalent concern in online dating. Biometric authentication, specifically face matching and liveness checks, can verify that the person creating a profile is indeed the genuine individual, reducing the likelihood of catfishing incidents.

Viida is life stands out as a vibrant addition to the dynamic online dating scene, guided by a unique ethos that prioritizes safety and trust. Founded by Ashraf, Harin, and Leslie Nath, the business aims to revolutionize the online dating experience by infusing it with elements of fun, speed, and authenticity.

Ashraf, the self-professed “data geek” and UX specialist, along with Harin, a psychology graduate with a background in insurance, bring a blend of expertise to viida is Life. Their personal encounters with the challenges of online dating, culminating in their own meeting through a dating app, have fueled their mission to create a platform that addresses the shortcomings prevalent in the industry.

In particular, the genesis of viida is life emerged from a shared frustration with the existing online dating landscape being marred by impersonal interactions and trust issues. Harin's disillusionment with the lack of authenticity and reliability in dating apps catalyzed the duos vision for a fresh and engaging platform that transcends the conventional norms of digital matchmaking.

Viida has a fresh new concept, which is based around speed dating in small groups within live video chatrooms. But in creating an experience that’s fast and fun, its co-founders didn’t forget the less ‘sexy’ but equally important element of ensuring users are safe when interacting on the app.

“By partnering with Veriff, something that's very important with us, we’re making sure that there are no fake profiles, that everyone is validated, that we know who you are,” says Ash.

Viida is life’s innovative approach extends beyond traditional online dating paradigms, offering a novel concept centered around speed dating in live video chatrooms. While prioritizing speed and enjoyment, the platform doesn't compromise on safety measures, ensuring that every interaction is safeguarded against inappropriate behavior.

Moreover, viida is life’s zero-tolerance policy for misconduct, supported by a dedicated customer support team and proactive reporting mechanisms, reinforces its dedication to fostering a respectful and welcoming community. The platform places a premium on data security, adhering to privacy laws and implementing robust measures to protect user information.

“We're verifying each and every single profile,” Ashraf explains. “Not all the dating apps are doing that, but that’s basically the essence of creating that community, making sure we know exactly who is behind that mobile device.”

“So, the person uploads a photo, and then they take a selfie, and we verify that person against the photo. We make sure that person is behind the device. That, to some degree, will eliminate catfishing.”
In essence, viida is life encapsulates a new era of online dating, where safety, trust, and genuine connections take precedence. By embracing innovation and prioritizing user welfare, it heralds a refreshing and secure approach to digital matchmaking, inviting individuals to experience a transformative journey in the realm of online relationships.

“By partnering with Veriff, something that's very important with us, we’re making sure that there are no fake profiles, that everyone is validated, that we know who you are.”


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